Story about Peas Family



Act 1 — Discovery

The Peas Family is a set of characters living in a world parallel to ours. They were discovered shortly after a scientific experiment on black holes. But what are they looking for?

Act 2 — First contact

We were able to establish a first contact! Their goal is to rally the people of the earth to their cause. They are constantly invaded by ruthless enemies… The war was tough. Only 10,000 representatives of this people are left.

Act 3 — Doubt

The peas family are afraid to show themselves, they need all your trust to reveal themselves in our world. They met and agreed that they had to be adopted by the people of the earth. The reward will be up to the benevolence of humans.

Act 4 — Meeting

The great leaders of the peas family, whose identities are classified, have great ambitions and have unanimously decided that people who adopt members of the peas family should be rewarded. After agreeing to an exchange with the rulers of the earth, more than $200,000 have been promised.

Act 5 — Instability

Our world’s greatest scientists are working on stabilizing the portal in order to bring the peas family back to earth. Our current experience does not yet allow us to transport life. Objects have been imported on earth, but their physical integrity was, I can say… partial. Stay tuned on our channels

Act 6 — Good News

Good news! It seems that the portal will soon be stable for a transfer to Earth! We’ve reached out to the people in charge of the peas family and they seem determined to come soon.

Act 7 — The pressure mounts

The pressure is going up a notch for the peas family… Their invader is pushing them to their last entrenchment, they will have to resist a little longer. Our scientists are on the right track

Act 8 — Last Report

News are available! The people in charge of the peas family have told us a little more about the rewards they want to offer to the people of the earth. Every time 1000 peas family members are adopted, a reward of around $20,000 ( 200SOL) will be randomly offered! This means that if you are among the first 1000 buyers, you have 10 chances to get $20,000!



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